Three examples of connecting with stakeholders
The demand for better and more meaningful digital communication is constantly increasing, especially now in COVID-19 times. Building strong and trusting connections remotely has become crucial, as organizations look into alternatives to real-world meetings with sponsors, investors, suppliers and customers. The critical question is – how can one build and maintain relationships without physical project visits, meetings, and trade fairs?
Below are three examples of how is supporting our clients with remote communication and trust-building.
1. QR-code for sustainable sourcing
Certificates like those related to organic and fairtrade help us find businesses that work in an environmentally-friendly and socially fair way.
But people want to know more about the brands that they are purchasing, raising legitimate questions such as:
- Who is growing the coffee?
- Where exactly is the coffee planted?
- How is the landscape impacted by production?
To address these concerns, producers can print and place a QR-code on their packaging that will guide customers directly to the geo-referenced origin on Customers can then virtually explore the project and learn more about the production conditions. They will learn who is growing the commodity, where the operations are located, and how the production is impacting the landscape.

2. Sharing geolocated content on social media
It can be time-consuming and distracting to populate and update project news on multiple social media channels. Wouldn’t it be great to have one place where you can post all your project communication and then easily share it on social media channels?
We believe that it is important to focus on good storytelling first, without getting distracted by social media micromanagement. For this reason, we have integrated the possibility to share all your content on various social media channels. All from one place.

This way, you can consolidate all your project content in one place – your presentation – and display every element (e.g. news & photos) on top of interactive, high-resolution maps. Your impact is visible and your story becomes alive.
3. Showing your impact: before and after
Supporters and stakeholders are always excited to see how a forest is growing back due to their financial contribution. On the satellite base-map below, you can initially see a cattle farm that is almost devoid of trees (before). Following the reforestation activities, you can virtually see the forest growing and the landscape transforming (after). High-resolution maps can provide strong evidence of reforestation success. This transparency creates trust and builds strong relationships with partners and supporters.

If you want to learn more on how can bring your stakeholder communication to the next level, we will be happy to guide you through this via a free live demo. During the demo, we will show you each functionality and provide strategic information and advice on how to integrate map-based content into your project communication.